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The FPS is one of the most popular genres for players. Flagship licenses to outsiders, sales are sometimes in millions of copies. What are the best selling FPS?


Each end of the year is eagerly awaited by fans of FPS with the regular release of an opus of the saga. Developed by Activision studios, the franchise is focused on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Cumulative sales for each episode typically exceed ten million copies. From the first Black Ops album to the Ghosts episode, the series ran alongside the 30 million copies, all media combined.

But the leader of the genre has a rival to his excess with Battlefield . Published by Electronic Arts, this FPS plays on the same niche of contemporary conflicts, especially with episodes 3 and 4 (17 and 14 million sales), and historical incursions like Battlefield 1. Taking into account dematerialized sales, we turn around 13 million copies sold for the latter.


Like other genres, the FPS has its icons. ID Software continues to nurture the Doom myth . The 2016 edition has sold 2 million copies on PS4, 1 million on Xbox One and 2 million on the Steam platform. A resounding success that gave a port on Switch and a version in virtual reality. It announced at E3 2018 and is called Doom Eternal.

Another pillar of the FPS: Wolfenstein . Recognized for his brutality, he initiated the codes of the genre. Since the release of The New Order (1.6 million on PS4 and 750,000 on Xbox One), the saga taken up by MachineGames has arrogated to itself the codes of uchronia where the Nazis won the Second World War. Between direct clashes and infiltration carefully dosed, the formula works with two million copies sold for The New Colossus , in any medium.


If their sales are lower and fluctuating, other works deserve attention. The adaptation of the novel Metro 2033 plunges the player into a scary post-apocalyptic universe. After two first installments sold between one and two million copies, Deep Silver prepares, Metro Exodus .


Another original universe, Bioshock . In the space of a trilogy under the sea and in the air, the title stands out for its fluid gameplay and its exceptional steampunk atmosphere. Each episode sold between 3 and 4 million copies. Figures that include downloads and "box" versions.

We can also mention Far Cry which continues to take against the expectations of the players. Desert Island Exploration, Tibet Expedition, Civil War in the United States ... The episodes follow each other and are not alike. The number of sales, it is increasing. While Far Cry 4 is selling 2 million copies, its direct suite doubles this figure in just one quarter of operation.

The roles of a soldier in Arma 3

In the search for an alternative to the famous Call of Duty GHOSTS and even the brand new Battlefield 4 , Arma III is one of those games that has crossed my path but do not think that this game can replace either of these two titles.

If you like to enjoy a game in a frantic way it is best to get a different title because Arma 3 is a real war simulator , different to most of the games you've seen so far and with a different game style . What do you find in a real war? Shelter, strategies, friends, enemies and patience , the latter you will need but you want to die at the first change.

In this virtual war you will have some roles as a soldier and take them out is vital to enjoy the game and not look like a duck left on the map.

Know the elements of the game . It is vitally important that you know the weapons you will use in the game, the scope of them, the ammunition, sights, etc. It is also important to know the members of your squad, its location, equipment, style of play, etc. and for all this you will have to practice a bit in single player mode and familiarize yourself with the interface before playing why Weapon 3 is more like a role-playing game than a shooter itself.

Respect the weapons . In any shoot shooter is the order of the day but in this case you will have to respect the weapons and use them in a way you know. The soldier will have to respect the use of the weapon at all times because a false shot could give away the position of your squad and end in a massacre by the opposing team.

Respect the rules of combat . The combats in a simulator are very different and you will have to take into account the innocent citizens, try not to put in the middle of your operations any civilian.

Maintain and analyze your position . Like any soldier in Weapon 3 you will not be alone in the battlefield, or you are the best in the game or you will be completely lost. You will have to control what your teammates do at a safe distance. You duty as a balance will also control everything you see from your position on the battlefield and warn your teammates if you see something strange.

Play as a team . The base of Arma 3 is the team game, much more than in any type of game that you have played so far (unless you come from Arma 2 or one of your previous deliveries). You will have a superior and you will have to obey his orders on the battlefield.

With these little tips you are already clear on what to do once you get out there, now be very careful and start enjoying this work of art. Arma 3 is not the only game that uses this style of game, DayZ is triumphing and my partner Axel has developed a great guide to help you survive longer .

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